Friday, May 3, 2019


Abortion is one of the hottest topics debated in the world nowadays. By definition, an abortion is the conclusion of a pregnancy through the removal of the fetus from the womb, which directly results in its death. There are many reasons why this can happen, ranging from spontaneous occurrences (miscarriages) and pregnancy complications to intentional termination. Naturally, as with anything that deals with life, abortion is a sensitive subject. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court declared abortion a “fundamental right” in Roe v. Wade. To this day, the debate over its validity as a practice encompasses arguments ranging from practical, moral, medical to religious aspects. The debate concerning the legitimacy of abortion has two primary sides, to be specific the pro-choice camp, which believes in the validity of an abortion, and the pro-life camp, which defends the right of the unborn and seeks to establish the invalidity of choice in an abortion. It’s a tough subject, but today I bring you some of the arguments in support of abortion.  

No individual, regardless of gender, should be denied the right to fight for his or her own life. Societies and laws are built around this very framework. Extremists of the prolife argument are in some cases so focused on the fetus that they put no value to the mother’s life and do not indeed consider the practicality of the fetus. What on the off chance that a specialist was confronted with a circumstance where the fetus was not reasonable and in case it was not prematurely ended, the mother would die? While the decision will always be difficult, the choice is not ours to make, and as such we have no right to deny somebody his or her own choice.

While most arguments highlight abortion as the termination of life, they tend to be argued entirely focusing on the life of the unborn child. As with everything, there are components around a pregnancy that can lead to complications for the woman. Not all women are given the blessing of complication free pregnancies. Cases where complications within the pregnancy lead to essentially higher risk to the woman’s life are more frequent than we wish they would be. To deny a woman the choice to abort a pregnancy when her own life is associated to constraining her to do illegal abortion and let her life be in danger.  

Statistics shows that an estimated 49% of pregnancies in the United States are unintended. These numbers essentially demonstrate that the circumstances encompassing pregnancies are not restricted to cheerful families who have planned and intentionally attempted to have children. A large percentage is in fact unplanned for. Naturally, a woman or couple who face the circumstance of an unplanned pregnancy may not have the right condition to raise a child properly. Some cases indeed appear that they are incapable to financially or medically see the pregnancy to its full term. 

In conclusion, I would say that women should have the right to decide about their pregnancy based on their circumstances.  


  1. A plan

    On Friday, May 3rd, 2019, Civil Liberties posted on their blog about Abortion. Abortion is one of the biggest controversial topics. And there is people who are pro-choice and others who are for pro-life. I feel that Lemma, the publisher has made a well argument and is clear on the basis that she is for pro-choice. I do agree with some of the arguments she has said but I have a few to say for myself. I also have some comments to say about the 49% of pregnancies that are unintended.
    I would like to start off by saying that adding the subject of misscarriages should not have been added to or even be a relation to abortion. This subject matter has no relation to an abortion in the matter that a misscarriage has nothing to do with a women's choice, they happen out of no where because of the bodies natural reactions. Unlike an abortion where the women does have a choice and the baby dies because of surgery or a prescribed medication.
    I do agree that women should have control over their own bodies in some circumstances. Yes, a women can encounter death with a severe pregnancy and in that case I do feel that women should have pro-choice to save their life. I would also like to add that women should have pro-choice if they are raped as well.
    Earlier I stated that I would like to make a comment on the statement made about how 49% of pregnancies are unintended. When it comes to people having sexual relations I feel that people should have a plan or use protection. In the case that the women was not raped, and has no risk to her life the pregnancy should continue. Anyone that decides to perform intercourse should know that it can come with consequences. People should always have a plan and by that I mean birth control or condom use. I feel that a condom breaking should also be no excuse because there is now something called plan B, incase intercourse was acted unprotected or a condom busts. I would like to clarify that Plan B is not a form of abortion because it is designed to stop the ovulation or slow down the egg and also stop the sperm from getting to the egg to fertilize it. Unwanted pregnancies are getting out of hand and people need to start making a plan so that abortions do not happen. There are many resources today that can help prevent pregnancies especially those in teens or younger such as planned parenthood.
    Lemma made a good argument about women's lives being at risk. The argument about almost half of the pregnancies being unplanned left a big door open for pro-life people to make an argument. Overall I think Lemma made some good points and backed up her arguments. The only thing I would have wanted Lemma to address is her opinion on abortion in relation to the trimesters. I would like to say that abortion is a very hard and twisted topic to talk about and a women's choice is important to consider. Once again if the women is not in a state of death or rape I am for pro-life rather than pro-choice.

  2. When it comes to abortion, it's always a very tricky and controversial subject to talk about. The laws that were recently passed in Alabama are, in my opinion, very restrictive of personal freedom. Men should not be able to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies. It's also horrible how the new law states that the doctor who performed the procedure and the mother who received it, could face up to 99+ years in jail while a normal sentence for a rapist is around 10. It should be the rapist getting 99+ years and the woman and doctor don't get charged for anything. Alabama passing these laws are only setting our culture backwards and not forwards. The government shouldn't be forcing women especially young women to take care of a child. While there is obviously foster care, the fostering system in the United States isn't the best and there are lots of children to get put into not so great.

    In conclusion, these new laws aren't great for our society and should be repealed.
