Friday, April 19, 2019

Are Immigrants bringing crime to the U.S.?

I agree with my classmate’s opinion about immigrants. Recently, public figures have claimed that immigrants are “killers” and “rapists,” bringing crime to the U.S. That is simply wrong. Of course, there are people who are committed crimes, but most immigrants who come to this country work hard to take care of their families and themselves. Study after study has shown, however, that immigrants regardless of where they are from, what immigration status they hold, and how much education they have completed are less likely than native-born citizens to commit crimes or gotten to be imprisoned.
Studies have consistently found that immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans and that there is a negative link between levels of immigration and crime rates. Other studies have in fact found that crime rates are lowest in states with the most noteworthy movement development rates, which state with a bigger population of undocumented migrants tend to have lower crime rates than states with littler offers.
Some people also claim that immigrants are taking job opportunities away from people born in the U.S. Immigrants actually help to create new jobs. Beyond buying U.S. and local items, which make a difference make employments, immigrants often start their own businesses. Thus, states with large numbers of immigrants report lower unemployment rates for everyone. Immigrants also have a big contribution in the U.S. economy by paying taxes.
“Immigrants collectively pay between $90 and $140 billion each year in taxes, and a recent study found that undocumented immigrants alone pay approximately $11.64 billion in taxes each year. Moreover, undocumented immigrants nationwide pay an estimated 8 percent of their income in state and local taxes (their effective state and local tax rate), which is higher than the effective tax rate of the top 1 percent of all taxpayers in the U.S.” 
As my classmate mentioned in his blog, most immigrants come to the U.S. to change their lives, not to bring crimes.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Gun Control

These days, gun control is becoming a big controversial issue. People have been hotly debating this issue for several years. Those who are on the side of gun control support their argument by pointing out the importance of a good background check and the uselessness of semi-automatic weapons for individual use. On the other hand, those who are against this issue mention the importance of the gun for self-defense and hunting. Although most of the American people believe that guns are part of their hunting culture and important for self-protection, making a good background check and taking the military weapons should also be taken into consideration.       
I believe that the background check and the ban on military weapons are the two most important requirements of gun control that I strongly support. Even though the peoples of America have a tradition of hunting which requires a gun, military-style weapons should not be there as a choice by any means. 
I also understand that the gun control law should not be taken as a way to disarm good gun owners, but it is just to make sure that those guns are used only in the right place by the right person. It is important to make a good background check before letting everyone have it. In addition to this, it is also very important to train new owners on how to use the gun properly. And as if the guns are only for individual use, military level weapons should be banned. Although guns are important for certain uses, they could also be used for violence. So, having this in mind would be much better if there is a good gun control law to easily distinguish who is appropriate to own it, and what kinds of guns are important for this certain level. So, the government has to come up with a law to protect the people of America from unnecessary gun-related violence.